
We have been busy watching Kyler play soccer with his team.  They had a four day tournament.  We had to get up at 5 AM and drive over an hour to get to the soccer fields.  There were lots of campers, motorhomes, trailers and tents all along the soccer fields.  There were thousands of players and hundreds of teams.  The teams were from as far away as Spokane.   Kyler's team kept winning so we had to go every day.  The last day the game was played in the rain and they won so they had to play the last game at 2pm that afternoon.  They won!! and it was sunny.  
On the way home on one of the days there was a "you pick" blueberry field so we stopped to pick some.
We also have been busy playing games.  Kyler and Marie love to play.
So far the weather has been cloudy but not too cold.  In the sixties.  We have only seen the mountain once.
Jan and Don
8/23/2010 09:36:11 pm

Up at 5 AM, nice way to spent your 'automntime'! But it must be great to be with your son and his family and participate in their lives for a few days. Especially since they won it all. You will certainly enjoy your time with them.
Love, Janneke


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